Every Sunday • 10:30am
801 East Northside Dr.
Suite A
Clinton, MS. 39056
Our Vision:
To connect and disciple with others to have a stronger faith in Jesus Christ.

Meet Derrick & Chrissy
Derrick and Chrissy have been active in ministry for 20 years. They have served in many facets over the years from working in bus ministry, children’s ministry, ladies and men’s ministry. The Townsend’s pastored in Illinois as well. They have also traveled overseas to encourage and evangelize others. The Townsend family believe all deserve to know the true Gospel and experience all God has for them. They felt a burden to begin a church plant in Clinton. Their desire for this church plant is to see a church family impact a community and build a community of believers that will share about the hope in Jesus. Encouraging to put Faith First in God will change not only ourselves but the world.
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